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Shades of Ireland - September 2025 - 10 days, 13 meals - Learn More and Sign Up

Carbon-Free Energy by 2040, Native Seeds, Bats

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Environment Report

Michigan will require utility providers to be carbon-free by 2040, landscape enhancement and restoration efforts are underway at area nature reserves, and learn about building bat houses.

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Environment Report

Nuclear Storage, GIS Tools and Renewables Plan

Rep. Dan Kildee says he’s leading a bipartisan effort to stop Canada from storing nuclear waste near the Great Lakes. Geographic Information Systems empower environmental stewardship and decision-making.



The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power was founded in 1987 to press government and religious authorities to take HIV/AIDS seriously at a time when it was dismissed as "the Gay Plague."

Backyard Astronomer

12/9/24 - The Lunar Seas

As the phase of the moon grows steadily from first quarter to full, it’s a good opportunity to explore the contrasts of light and dark on its surface.


Company K of the 1st Michigan Sharpshooters

There was plenty of prejudice against Native Americans in the 1860s, yet as the Civil War raged on, a group of Native American soldiers from Michigan mobilized to fight for the Union.