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Radio Pledge Drive

Sister Ardeth Platte

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It's not often that a nun goes to prison, but that was part of Sister Ardeth Platte's story.

Backyard Astronomer

5/20/24 - Are UFOs Real?

Observe the night sky long enough and you’re bound to see something strange that’s hard to identify. It’s easy to think of a UFO, but that doesn’t automatically mean it’s an alien spaceship.

Second Act: Life at 50+

Sloan Museum of Discovery – Flint, Michigan

Join us as we explore the Sloan Museum of Discovery and enjoy being a kid again.

Backyard Astronomer

5/13/24 - Size of Lunar Craters

In binoculars, look near the very center of the lunar disk for a large crater that seems to have a dark, smooth floor. This is Ptolemaeus, named for Claudius Ptolemy, an astronomer of ancient Greece.

Environment Report

Tobico Marsh Restoration Project, Best Trails and Au Sable Didymo

A public meeting is planned for a three-year Tobico Marsh restoration project. The state has a program to recognize some of the best trail experiences.