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Dutch Hop!

Dutch hop musicians playing.

The hammered dulcimer, accordion, trombone and bass blend to create unique polka melodies and the 100-year-old dance tradition of the Volga Germans, immigrants who came to the United States from Germany by way of Russia. Along with their agricultural skills, they brought a unique form of music. Meet the musicians, dancers and families who treasure this cultural gem and strive to keep the tradition alive. 

Dutch Hop is not the "ump-pa-pa" polka that is familiar to most people. Little known by folks outside the community, Dutch Hop dancers add a bounce to their steps and sometimes an extra hop or a stomp to the smoother traditional polka dance.

Dutch Hop! airs as part of special programming this month on Delta College Public Media.

Watch Live

  • Saturday, May 13 at 7 pm on Delta College Public Media

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  • 2-CD Set, DVD. $108 or $9/mo.
  • Kuche Kochen Cookbook, DVD. $84 or $7/mo.
  • DVD. $60 or $5/mo.